Monday, November 28, 2011

Some diets may help prevent Alzheimer's disease

Some diets may help prevent Alzheimer's disease, others may increase the risk and according to some studies antioxidant vitamins may be ineffective in the treatment of diseases associated with clouding of the mind.
Some diets that aim to strengthen the heart muscle, also increase the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease ..

Scientists from Columbia University have shown that the use of antioxidants completely ineffective in preventing the disease, tend to think that vitamins do not work on older people, because they are less susceptible to their action, and action is of short duration.
This was stated by Dr. Jose Lachsinger Columbia University.

Another study on the effect of fat on the heart and the brain was conducted by Dr. Martha Clare Morris of Chicago Medical Center, Presbyterian St. Luke's. The study involved 815 volunteers aged 65 and older. All were interviewed about diet and eating habits. The subsequent four years later tests showed that in 131 of the test developed Alzheimer's disease.

People who used the saturated fats in large amounts (products of animal origin such as meat, butter) doubled the risk of Alzheimer's disease compared with those who almost never ate food with saturated fats. This risk is particularly increased in those who ate more than 25 grams of saturated fat daily. For comparison, one tablespoon of butter - 7 grams. Those who ate less than 25 grams have a smaller but still significant risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Patients who consumed 14.5 grams of polyunsaturated fat daily (polyunsaturated fats found in vegetables, fish and nuts) reduced the risk by 70%, compared with those who ate little of these fats.

Dr. Morris believes that the Diet is the regular consumation of toast with margarine with polyunsaturated fats, peanut butter, nuts and canola salad dressing. The discovery of researchers is that they proved that the products that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, also increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Study about the effect of antioxidants was carried out in New York. 980 patients aged over 75 also interviewed about their food parcels during the first year of a four-year study.
After research on Alzheimer's disease diagnosed 242 patients. The subjects consumed a variety of foods rich in antioxidants, such as oranges, corn oil margarine on, and carrots. Some take vitamin supplements, but the absence or lack of antioxidants in the diet had no relation to the development of the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Antioxidants block the effect of oxygen molecules called free radicals that damage cells. But their action does not preclude the possibility of Alzheimer's disease.

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